Designed for The College of Southern Nevada’s Department of Videography & Film for the 11th Annual Short Film Showcase. The challenge was capturing the very essence of filmmaking and intuitive stories. Thus, the poster takes the inspiration based on the hero’s journey which is a common staple in film throughout the decades.

the winning design that was used for advertising the showcase.

All stories have a constant rise and fall of success and failure which all leads to the bountiful future that lays beyond. While physical film isn’t traditionally used, it painted the perfect pathway of communication especially coupled with the idea of a journey through story. The oasis is a symbol of hope and security in a desert and thus proved to be the perfect goal for the protagonist as they make their way over the dunes. The search lights themselves helped once more tie the image into the idea of a showcase of film, making the shape of an ‘XI’ being the roman numeral form of 11.
Concept apparel design with custom wash tag