DJ Glam Beats is a local, freelance DJ working in the Las Vegas Valley. She loves to capture the feeling of fun and flare by working venues and events of many different kinds. I was tasked with helping fix her branding in terms of streamlining her business via cards and Linktree while giving her tips on how to bring in more clients.

Initial Problems
Originally, the design of her cards was quite busy and lacked a distinct personality; not to mention, that they were printed on normal card stock which as you can see does not last long in terms of visual quality. There was also a design error in the email containing the .com address twice. However, DJ Glam Beats did have a logo redesign done by a third party that was the first step in streamlining her brand. The logo itself helped inspire my various designs for her business cards.
Originally, the design of her cards was quite busy and lacked a distinct personality; not to mention, that they were printed on normal card stock which as you can see does not last long in terms of visual quality. There was also a design error in the email containing the .com address twice. However, DJ Glam Beats did have a logo redesign done by a third party that was the first step in streamlining her brand. The logo itself helped inspire my various designs for her business cards.

QR Code
With the logo in mind, the set up of the Linktree would fall in place rather quickly. This would also requite a custom QR code that would be included within the business card design. Rounding off the edges to incorporate the rounded off elements of the heart beat part of the logo. Finally the addition of a simplified logo created from the heartbeat and headphones moniker that DJ Glam Beats is known for.
With the logo in mind, the set up of the Linktree would fall in place rather quickly. This would also requite a custom QR code that would be included within the business card design. Rounding off the edges to incorporate the rounded off elements of the heart beat part of the logo. Finally the addition of a simplified logo created from the heartbeat and headphones moniker that DJ Glam Beats is known for.
The Design Process
Wanting to capture the design of the logo as include elements that would be special to DJ Glam Beats' brand, the following were drafted up with various styles to help convey that unique feeling of style, fun, and passion that is brought through the inclusion of a DJ.

Finished Product

Final product includes a combo of styles 4 and 6 with the added detail of Las Vegas skyline reflected within the bars of the beat. The back is more streamlined now, with the added tagline of "Beats That Shine", her newly established slogan.